The Columbia 50 logo was designed to celebrate Columbia’s 50 birthday, drawing inspiration from
Columbia’s vision and mission statements about diversity, a sense of community and an appreciation
of the uniqueness of Columbia, including continuing to strive for a progressive, inclusive city.
The logo’s color palette reflects diversity with its multi-colored letter forms — transparent and
overlapping, creating layers of combined colors intended to symbolize inclusion within the diversity.
The number 50 rising from the horizontal plane of “Columbia” suggests the future of Columbia —
next 50 years on the horizon.
Using the Columbia 50 logo:
The Columbia 50 logo is available in two variations. Because of the intentional multi-colored transparent
design, it is recommended that both variations print four color on a white background. A black and white
logo should only be used in black only printing. There is no reverse white version of the logo.
This variation is appropriate for most logo needs with a suggested minimum width of 2.5″
This variation is appropriate for a small, square or vertical space.
Suggested minimum width of 1.25″ with underliner or 1″ without underliner.
Columbia 50 Logo Guidelines:
Fonts used in Logotype: ITC Lubalin Graph Demi (Columbia), Lubalin Graph (Maryland)
Fonts used in Underliner: Helvetica Light, Helvetica Bold
Color Specifications:
- Pantone 314
- Pantone 117
- Pantone 167
- Pantone 2685
- Pantone 288
- Pantone 382
Black and white logo should only be used in black only printing.
Please do not:
- Horizontally or vertically scale the logo. (When enlarging/reducing logo, do not adjust the horizontal/vertical proportion in different amounts.)
- Alter the colors.
- Add additional graphic elements.
- Place the logo in a box or other shape.
- Screen back the logo. (Logo must be printed at 100% color, not a lower percentage.)
- Change the proportions
- Place the logo too close to other graphic elements or text. There should be at least a half inch clearance between the logo and other text or graphics.
- Place the logo at an angle.
If you need more information about Columbia 50 logo usage please call Marlys East, Managing
Director, Columbia MD 50th at 410-423-1878 or email