How can I get involved?

How can I find out what’s happening near me?

Why is the Birthday important?

When is the official birthday of Columbia, Maryland?

For information on how you can get involved in the birthday celebration, please input your contact information on our website and a member of our team will get in touch. Alternatively please contact ‘Volunteer Howard’ and they will be happy to assist you.

Please check our website for information on all our events.

Columbia epitomizes the New Town Movement in the United States.  At its inception, the New City was carefully and purposefully planned, developed and built in order to address many of the issues that affect urban areas across the United States. To honor the remarkable achievements of Columbia, we have planned a true celebration that honors the past, embraces the present and strives to advance the ideals of this progressive, vibrant and inclusive community.

Columbia celebrates its birthday on June 21, the date of the opening of the Village of Wilde Lake, Columbia’s first Village.