
Memories of a Life in Longfellow – by Jan Olsen

Fifty years flew by in a flash.  Our young family of five moved into Longfellow during the later part of Columbia’s first year, May 1968. Longfellow was mostly mud with the carvings of streets to come.  Elliot’s Oak was just a short street that was not complete. Bulldozers were part of the scenery. A few…

My Columbia Childhood – by Timothy Duquette

My Columbia Childhood – by Timothy Duquette

This is the story on my childhood in Columbia, Maryland. Many years ago when I was a boy, I spent a lot of time playing with my mom and dad . We went everywhere in Columbia together – to the zoo and to the farm to see  the animals and to ride the horses – which…

My Columbia Wizard of Oz Experience – by Karen Bradley

My Columbia Wizard of Oz Experience – by Karen Bradley

My family moved to Columbia from Rockville, in Montgomery county, the summer before I entered the 3rd grade in 1976. I had previously attended a strict private Catholic school where we had to wear grey plaid uniforms and the only things hanging on the walls were math charts and the alphabet. It was very drab,…

Bryant Woods Elementary – by Mike Reiskis

Bryant Woods Elementary – by Mike Reiskis

This is the first page of the first yearbook of the first school in Columbia. I lived in Columbia from 1967 to 1978 and never realized until after I moved away how fortunate I was to from up there. Us kids who attended Bryant Woods Elementary at the beginning grew up with an almost “Tom…

A lot of memories can be made in 50 years! Please share your fondest memories of events, activities, friends, places, etc. you experienced in Columbia.

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  • I warrant that I am the rightful owner of this entry I have submitted to the Columbia 50th Birthday Celebration "Memories" (the "Work") and of all trademarks, copyrights and/or patents associated with my entry and, to the best of my knowledge, the Work does not infringe any third party's proprietary rights. I agree that the Columbia 50th Birthday Celebration ("CMD50") has the right to verify the ownership and originality of the Work. I understand that in the event my submission is selected by the judges as a winning entry, and my ownership rights and originality of my entry are not verified to the satisfaction of CMD50, the judges may select an alternate winner. I hereby grant permission to CMD50 or anyone authorized by CMD50 to use statements, quotes, testimonials, photographs, designs, models, software and/or any other material(s) provided by me as part of my entry in the Contest, as well as my name, photograph, likeness and, if applicable, the name of my company and affiliation, for advertising, trade and/or promotional purposes without any additional compensation to me. I represent that I am not an employee of CMD50, or of any of its affiliates, subsidiaries or advertising or promotional agencies, nor am I connected with or related to them or any of their employees in any way. I declare that these statements are true, correct, and made with the knowledge that any false statements will invalidate my entry. The Columbia 50th Birthday Celebration, Inc. reserves the right to review, edit and possibly not include a memory if there is inappropriate language or content.