Today, Columbia thrives as a mature community of over 100,000 residents. It has—for the most part—achieved its original goals.
In the 1960’s, developer Jim Rouse envisioned that the city of Columbia would be established with four guiding principles. These were to:
- Build a complete city
- Respect the land
- Provide for the growth of people
- Make a profit
All of Columbia’s ten villages—save for Town Center—have been completely developed. River Hill was the last and most recent village to be completed in 1992. The map* below illustrates how Master plan has been achieved.
*There are a number of households that are located within the Columbia zip codes but are not part of the original planned community. This map illustrates exactly where the boundaries lie. Census Data will always report inclusion of all households. The total acreage of non-planned sections is approximately 10 per cent.